Document Workflow Assessment & Optimisation for Consultants

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  20  Minuten
Ihr Preis: 0,00 €


  • This course provides basic information about the MDS services "Document Workflow Assessment & Optimisation"for consultants. It is explained how to deliver the service and helpful templates are included.


  • Sales Representative

Theoretische und praktische Inhalte

  • Chapter 1 introduces the basics of Document Workflow Assessment & Optimization, explains their context within the Corporate Services Portfolio and gives an overview about the Service Products.
  • Chapter 2 gives an overview about the different Service Contents and Activities and explains the flow of the Service Delivery Process Steps.
  • Chapter 3 summarizes the Service Delivery Requirements “Technological, Methodological & Organizational Enablers” and gives an overview about the final Service Deliverables.

Am Ende dieses Kurses sind Sie in der Lage…

  • Describe the basics of the service, including service products within the Corporate Services Portfolio.
  • Provide the different service contents, the detailed process steps and the service delivery requirements and deliverables.


Dieses Kursmodul ist ein "Paket", welches weitere Kursmodule bzw. Tests enthält.

Document Workflow Assessment & Optimisation for Consultants Test
TST Test | 10 Minuten | Englisch
Details und Termine