Rollout Project Management for Consultants

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  20  Minuten
Ihr Preis: 0,00 €


  • This course provides basic information about the MDS service "Rollout Project Management" for consultants. It is explained how to deliver the service and helpful templates are included.


  • Sales Representative

Theoretische und praktische Inhalte

  • Chapter 1 provides an introduction into the basics of Rollout Project Management, explains it´s context within the Corporate Services Portfolio and gives an overview about the Services Products.
  • Chapter 2 gives an overview about the different Service Contents and Activities and explains the flow of the Service Delivery Process Steps.
  • Chapter 3 summarizes the Service Delivery Requirements “Technological, Methodological & organizational Enablers” and gives an overview about the final Service Deliverables.

Am Ende dieses Kurses sind Sie in der Lage…

  • Describe the basics of the service, incl. service products within the Corporate Services Portfolio
  • Provide the different service contents, the detailed process steps and the service delivery requirements and deliverables.


Dieses Kursmodul ist ein "Paket", welches weitere Kursmodule bzw. Tests enthält.

Rollout Project Management for Consutants Test
TST Test | 10 Minuten | Englisch
Details und Termine